As part of Sutton and the Southern Worcester County community, we want to show our growing love for it. This is a brief look at some of the ways we do this, and as we grow this will expand. We ask our members on social media to use the hashtag #ForSutton to create knowledge of what is going on at FBC for the community at large. We also look to help other areas in our community. We believe in being the hands and feet of Jesus to our neighbors.
Festive Family Film Night
Every second Saturday night in December we host a family Christmas film in our sanctuary. Hot chocolate, buttered popcorn, and other goodies are supplied by the church to give the families a fun time during the Christmas holiday season. The first 3 years have been awesome and we are busy planning for our fourth FFFN this December. #ForSutton
We are currently active in gathering food for the Sutton Food Pantry and Senior Center, we also have opened our field to the new Sutton Little League who have repaired the ball field for use for the first time in 30 years, we are working on having a foster care representative in the Spring to talk about foster care and adoption. |